Jerry Seinfeld – What the fuck were you thinking?

September 6, 2008

Jerry Seinfeld has sold his soul to do some stupid fucking TV commercials for Microsoft. How much fucking money do you need? Have you already blown the $100 million from the Seinfeld TV series syndication deal and however much you made from that stupid fucking Bee Movie. 

Now let’s talk about the ad itself. What coked up, arrogant advertising creative fuckwit dreamed this up. Fuck I hate advertising agencies, this is just complete shit. Everyone is talking about the clever hidden message in the ad which is going to make everyone suddenly think Microsoft is cool. Emperor’s new clothes people! This is shit, they couldn’t come up with a decent idea, so they just snorted a few more lines and sold them down the river with this piece of turd and then piled in some fucking expensive actor and director to justify the massive fucking production invoice. 

Apparently this is just the start and the geniuses in Seattle are going to let them spend $300 million on this campaign. Fuck, just make your fucking products better, you idiots. It worked for XBox 360, now just do it for the rest of them. Plus make Office a little more realistic and stop filling it with obscure stupid features that nobody fucking uses. 

While you are at it, do you think you could spring for a fucking dictionary for the people that write your error messages? What the fucking hell does “Minor loss of fidelity” mean? Does that mean you got a lap dance from that stripper, so it was only minor as you didn’t fuck her. 

Does anyone like this ad and think it is going to make you rush out and buy Vista tomorrow? If so you are a moron. Good day sir.